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  3. When we replace our wet riser pumps do they have to be of the LPCB approved type and do we have to fully comply with BAFSA Information File 21 for wet and dry risers?

When we replace our wet riser pumps do they have to be of the LPCB approved type and do we have to fully comply with BAFSA Information File 21 for wet and dry risers?

Pumps for wet risers do not have to be listed by a third party like LPCB. But LPCB listed pumps are commonly used for this purpose because we have the reassurance that they comply with a rigorous standard. It is noted that on a prominent pump supplier that they default automatically to supplying LPCB listed pumps. BAFSA Document 21 is just a general guidance/information file for wet/dry risers, it is not a regulation that the law requires you to follow. We would encourage the use of third party listed equipment for peace of mind. What is currently installed on your site? Are they LPCB or other approved pumps? If they are then that is what was acceptable to the AHJ’s at the time of installation, and it’s likely they would expect any replacements to be to an equal or higher standard.

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