BAFSA Sprinkler Focus – the UK’s only sprinkler magazine – will be published in mid November. As a BAFSA member, you are uniquely entitled to provide news for the “From the sprinkler head” section. Please send Wendy Otway – any of the following news items  – Copy deadline 23 October:

  1. New addresses/new premises/office moves
  2. New appointments
  3. Contract completions
  4. Case studies
  5. New / extended product ranges
  6. Increased range of expertise / services
  7. Personnel skill & qualification / awards
  8. Charitable causes
  9. New brochures
  10. Projects
  11. Funding


And anything else you think our 5000+ readers need to know about your organisation’s role in the sprinkler industry. Recipients of the electronic version of FOCUS include Local Authority Building Control, Housing & Regeneration; Housing Associations; and past delegates of BAFSA SEMINARS encompassing consultants, insurance specialists, surveyors & IAs whilst hard copies of the magazine are sent to all members and given out to delegates attending seminars, presentations and courses.