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L2 Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation

 Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation (Level 2)

The Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation (Level 2) is a competency based qualification aimed at individuals employed in the fire sprinkler industry. The qualification is approved for learners aged 18+ and who have a minimum of 3 years installer experience. There are no formal entry requirements although learners must be able to work at heights.

This qualification is intended for those installing fire sprinklers to evidence the knowledge and competences necessary to meet the industry standards for an installation role. The qualification provides an opportunity to follow several pathways (residential, commercial or both). The framework of the qualification should provide sufficient flexibility for the variations in different jobs and locations.

It should be noted that this qualification is an assessment programme and not an in depth learning programme.

The main objective of this qualification is supporting a role in the workplace and it has two purposes; confirming occupational competence and confirming competence in an occupational role to the standards required by industry.

Candidates will be expected to have experience in installation of the specific pathway they choose to follow ie residential or commercial or both. During their course duration candidates may be asked to provide their course tutor with a verifiable CV.

To achieve qualification certification the learner must achieve three mandatory units:

  • Communication in the workplace
  • Health and Safety
  • Awareness of Regulations in the Fire Sprinkler Industry
  • (This unit develops knowledge and understanding; however some assessment criteria should be assessed in the workplace)

An optional unit covering a specific discipline (Residential or Commercial or Residential and Commercial is required to be selected and completed. This will cover:

  • Fire Sprinkler Installation (Practical)

Assessment will be undertaken using a BAFSA Preferred Training Llandrillo College (N. Wales).


The assessment programme consists of approx. 40 hours delivered online. The candidate will be able to access the modules and assessments in their own time and at their own pace and will be allowed a maximum of 24 weeks from the time of enrolment to complete their programme including providing their video evidence.  No attendance in College is required.


A practical unit requires practical assessment by the candidate’s designated college tutor and video evidence of candidate competency is acceptable within this programme. Providing video evidence of fire sprinkler installation and handover is an essential part of this programme and allows the candidate to evidence their capability, skill and competency without attending any college.

In addition to the video evidence candidates can expect to have professional discussions with their tutors and be expected to complete a short workbook.

Good quality video material is essential and the key to success so it is important that each candidates reads and understands the requirements of the activity to be video and the assessment requirements before submitting their video to their chosen college.

It is anticipated that 8 or 9 videos, each of no more than 2 or 3 minutes duration will be sufficient to evidence the activities/learning outcomes required for this programme.

Please see our document here for requirements on videos.

Personal Protective Equipment where required and appropriate must be worn during the video session if the activity being undertaken requires it.


Following completion of the online modules and practical evidence by the candidate there is further activity required which is undertaken by an independent Verifier and the Awarding Organisation (ABBE) before any certificate can be awarded. This process can take up to 45 days. This activity is required to ensure that the candidate evidence demonstrates Validity, Reliability, Comparability, Manageability and Minimises Bias and the qualification remains robust.

A Certificate will reflect the pathway chosen by the candidate:

  • L2 Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation (Residential)
  • L2 Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation (Commercial)
  • L2 Certificate in Fire Sprinkler Installation (Commercial & Residential)

BAFSA and the College Course Tutor have no influence in these steps.

Candidates record of achievement (evidence of completion) is put forward by the College for Internal Verification by an Independent Verifier. If any evidence is missing or not meeting the specification it is returned to the College for remedial action.  Once internal verification is complete, the record of achievement (evidence of completion) is provided to ABBE (Awarding Organisation) for verification and certification. If any evidence is missing or not meeting the specification it is returned to Internal Verifier for remedial action.
