BAFSA has developed a Career Pathway which will help people identify the career options that are available to them and illustrate the knowledge and skills people need to equip themselves for different roles
A career path is just that – a journey, rather than a single one-time decision. Every career path has milestones along the way. When you choose a career path, you position yourself to look far into the future at your ultimate objectives and identify positions you want to hold and income levels you want to achieve.
BAFSA has developed a Career Pathway which will help people identify the career options that are available to them and illustrate the knowledge and skills people need to equip themselves for different roles. This helps people to identify any gaps in their skills, knowledge, qualifications, or experience and plan their development in order to acquire them.
Career paths are routes that individuals take from their first foray into the job market through to their final position before retirement. Generally speaking career paths start with the most junior position and end with the most senior position – this is not always the case but is likely the intention of the individual.
It is important to start thinking of career paths early as the choices made early on in a career can influence the opportunities available in the future.
Training and development can play a significant part in the opportunities open to people and therefore the ways they can carve out their career path. Choosing a career path can help you set professional goals and develop a strategy for getting where you want to be. Part of choosing an appropriate career path involves making an honest self-evaluation of your talents, abilities and interests. While elements of your path may change over time due to choice or circumstance, having an overall professional objective with which to guide yourself will help you make critical decisions with greater clarity.
Having long-term goals in place will help you stay focused on your ultimate career objectives, rather than moving aimlessly from job to job.