The BAFSA Executive have now written to its members and outlined immediate action as a result of the coronavirus outbreak :

BAFSA will continue to work within the current Government guidelines (both national and devolved) throughout this outbreak, see link below to HM Government advice, Scottish Government advice, Welsh Government advice and Northern Ireland Government advice.

We will also work within the parameters of our Member Companies and Partner Associations, for this reason we have cancelled the forthcoming seminars due to be held in Stafford this week and Bournemouth next week.

Following guidance from the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), Fire Services in the UK will maintain Emergency Response and cease Protection Activity, unless a significant risk exists which could lead to loss of life.

As the seminars were being co-hosted by the respective Fire and Rescue Services we agreed to work within the NFCC guidance and cancel these events until this situation is resolved.

We will continue to deliver our Design Courses, taking the appropriate measures for personal separation at the venue, until such time as the Government guidance changes.